Staying Put

9 June 2011

It's official; our house is now off the market. It's right what they say about moving house being one of the most stressful things in life. I always though that statement was somewhat over dramatic, but the last year has proved my thinking wrong. We had people who wanted to buy our house and ironically,  at the very last minute we finally found 'our house' with an owner happy to drop his price to fit our budget. But the issue of trying to get Lily into a half decent local school kept on rearing its ugly head. The gamble of moving with its huge cost and still no guarantee of getting into the school we want was just too bigger a risk to take. Had it not gone to plan the reverberations would have left us with a guilt that we had somehow failed our children the good education they deserve. 

But 'our house' came along and ticked boxes left right and centre, but it was a one-way ticket to the school we were doing everything in our power to avoid. But we felt powerless, it was ours (or rather our children's) destiny to go there. We'd talk ourselves into the bleak situation - Lily and Arthur are bright and have their heads screwed on, they would get through their years at this school and it would be alright in the end. We were just parents who had come obsessed with schools - it can happen to anyone.

Then a few weeks ago things took an unforeseen turn. Timing, fate, a deep determination not to leave any stones unturned? I don't know. But we have manged to get Lily a place at a local school that is in our opinion is excellent for her.

It's not the route we planned or even considered but it means the pressure to move house is off. My heart may had found 'our house' but my head told us we ought to stay put here for a few more years as ironically we are now in a good place for Infant schools. A new one is opening this September which should well be an option for Arthur. It seems sensible after all the stress Lily's school situation has put upon us to stick here for a few more years. It should offer us some kind on insurance to not have to go through it again with Arthur in a couple of years. We do love our home and I think I will fall in love with it all over again as we're going to go ahead with a few home improvements to keep us ticking over. So, we got a happy ending - a solution that will more than do.  This morning I went into Lily's new school and signed the necessary documents. Afterwards, I delivered a note to her current school to inform them of our decision. The relief I feel now this episode is over is immense - huge. I'm excited about the future again.

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